Returning to Singaland - Part 1

Back row: Ker Ching is now doing EXTENDED reservist at (xxxxx). Unfortunately, he was dragged in a little longer than usual because of upcoming (xxxxx). (Note: I put xxxxx by Ker Ching's request. He did not want his identity to be revealed. TOP SECRET) Next is Colin who owns the restaurant (will talk about him later). Shy Melvin now is an IT consultant, and perhaps considering being a part time stripper at Colin's place to promote his business, after Beng's suggestion.
Front row: Ah Beng is in IT field that I could only admire of! He is part of the team which has made many hospitals in Singapore paperless! If only we could have that technology here in public hospitals soon! MJ has changed careers from X country runner to star striker with Kampung United till ankle injury forced him out to become a full time engineer. Shiyu is a very busy lady now working with a big insurance company - make sure you buy her policies, she will give you discounts!!! And little Serene is now a full-fledged electrifying electrical engineer!!!
Unfortunately, I did not have a chance to take photos with Meiying and her boyfriend, who is a PR manager with a big company that is managing the mega shopping complex in front of Sentosa gateway (sorry, I have forgotten the names!!!). And fortunately, I managed to observe her in action at work after a little "crisis" that followed our gathering. And Deng Min now is a full time navy officer, and seems to have travelled to most parts of the world!
I managed to catch up with Ai Li, Shien Ee and Chuyu on the phone but unfortunately did not have enough time to meet up with them. Sorry guys, next time!
This is yum cha with Madam Lee, my "God-ma". I got to know more of her after joining her "Maths Society" in school. Well, she threatened to kill me if I didn't join, and even forced the head librarian (I joined school library that time) to release me forever. So there I had, for next 4 years, become a be-spectacled maths nerd! She has now retired, and giving tuition part time to students. Her interest in maths never dies, and her students excel, although I doubt I still know how to differential x square after not touching maths for many many years!!! Sorry...
This is Mr Chia and Mao Mao. Mr Chia the physics teacher then shares same birthday with me and as such, he never escapes my wrath! Nor the wrath of our group. He was once cream-pied by us on his birthday, and had to attend a meeting later with the principal. He stinked the whole room out! Mao Mao hasn't been the luckiest monkey either. Used repeatedly for "pendulum" experiments because of his gifted long arms, Mao Mao was kidnapped by us once for two weeks for his own good, and at the end, we found him a wife...
Well, Mr Chia is now going to be the Vice-Principal of Xinmin. Congratulations!!!
Also managed to meet up with Ms Sheila Wee who is now running a private consultancy firm in support of teachers. She just recently published a book which she let me read, and led me to a realisation that we were her guinea pig group for her new methods of "group" teaching!!! urrggghhh...
Ms Tan hasn't changed much at all. Being the principal of Zhong Hua Sec for 4 years, she probably has now become more driven, but she just could not stop talking about how good her XMS students were. hehhh... It was comforting to know!
Mrs Yim is now the HOD of North Vista. It was a surprise visit to her, totally unplanned. Mdm Lee found out for me where she was, took me for a ride to her school, and dropped me there. And poor Mrs Yim had to entertain me for an hour despite her packed day!!!
I heard Ms Lim is now married and living and volunteering somewhere in China with her husband. Mr Rodriguez unfortunately left home early the day I dropped by XMS.
this is Colin at his restaurant. Colin always thinks differently from the rest of us, hence this makes him unique and inspirational. He is unconventional. He decided that school was a bore in JC, joined the army, did very well there, but now decided to start his own business! He bought recipe over from someone and he is now making his own yummy Bristish pies in Bedok at a little cozy place... Good on you mate!

Kiong managed to meet up with me for 2 times despite being caught up in NS. I didn't really understand how, but apparently he is now doing "repayment" period for NS. He has missed out a few months because of his studies. Still the funny quick-witted Kiong...
And one more person who could have been there but was not there is Delong. He has been either too shy and hiding away from the crowd or flying kites. Happy belated birthday dude...
Weilin was also unfortunately on guard duty, protecting the Singaland so did not manage to catch up with him.