Monday, June 12, 2006

Hamilton, Mount Napier, Port Fairy

A weekend retreat of great food, good trekking and brilliant views... I needed that break before my holidays end and I have to reimmerse myself into medical world again.

Top photo: yellow and green maple leaves at the Botanical Gardens at Hamilton, a small district town 300 odd km to the west of Melbourne. Was trying to explore the town centre but unfortunately, it was a pretty quiet Sunday, so had to take my camera once again to the gardens...

Next: dusk at Port Fairy, a small fishing village at the western end of the famous Great Ocean Road. It was overcast, turning dark and freezing when we reached there, but still managed to make our way to the tip of the island and shoot a few photos.

Next: Mt Napier, Victoria's youngest volcano. That's the aerial view of a once aggressive breached crater which is now deceivingly covered with trees and grass. Got lost while making the way to the top, but the view was breath-taking once we reached there. The landscape of volcanic planes stretching for hundreds of kilometers!

Bottom: well, my all time favourite!!! ask my bro, he keeps record of me...